
Pet of the Month

We think we have the best clients in town! Here, we highlight their amazing animals. Congratulations to these all-star clients who have been hand-selected by our team to be featured as our pet of the month.

2025 / 2024 / 2022

December 2023 - Burt

Burt is a 7 year old male American Staffordshire Terrier Mix who turns 8 next month! Burt has been using our daycare, boarding, and enrichment camp services since 2019 and his parents have been clients since 2009 with their former dog Benj.

Words to live by: "There are never enough treats and never too much attention."

Favorite thing about our team? The whole FGMN team really likes Burt. They welcome him with a "Burt! Burt!" when we drop him off and his tail wags like crazy. He's ready for a fun day or stay.

Quirk? He loves to lay in the sun and will follow the sunshine around the room (or yard) to get some rays.

Favorite daycare friend? He likes so many of the other dogs, but his best bud is Jupiter - she's a Great Dane and they seem to always have fun playing together.

If he could talk, what would he say? "All my dog friends in our neighborhood should check out FGMN. It's great. I get so much attention and you would, too!" ⁠

Why did you choose our service? "We had used levels training (and some daycare and boarding for our previous rescue dog Benj, and started Burt with levels and then weekly daycare so that he is socialized and plays. Now he likes it every time we bring him to his weekly Friday daycare and his occasional boarding. We know he is always well taken care of and gets lots of attention with Fur-get Me Not." ⁠

Anything else you would like to share? We are so grateful for your excellent care of Burt. We are completely confident and trusting of FGMN's care of our guy.

November 2023 - Tuco

Tuco is a 4 year old male Staffordshire Terrier. He has been coming to daycare since 2020 and has used all services including Dog Walking, Dog Daycare, Dog Training, Enrichment School, and Enrichment Camps.

Words to live by: "Will snuggle for food."

Favorite thing about our team? We value the entire FGMN team - the front office, the DCA’s, and the trainers - for giving Tuco a comfortable, safe space away from home. Tuco looks tough and scary, but he’s a softie with lots of insecurities. The FGMN team recognizes all of his good (and bad) quirks and works with us to reduce his fears and also makes sure his needs are met both at home and at the facility.

Quirk? Tuco has a great little party trick: narcolepsy. He also loves to carry around stuffed animals.

Favorite daycare friend? Human- Bat! (But really…do I have to pick just one?) / Dog friend- not sure

If he could talk, what would he say? Tuco would say "THANK YOU for recognizing my special needs and giving me a home away from home." He would add: "please cuddle some more with me. Oh, and a snack would be good.” ⁠

Why did you choose our service? "We chose FGMN initially because of the small, well-matched play groups. The front office greets Tuco with hugs every morning. The daycare attendants and the training team have helped Tuco grow to be more confident around strangers and new dogs. Everyone makes him feel special, and he loves and now kind of expects that! We’ve grown to appreciate the hands-on, individualized attention and the INCREDIBLE new dog [Enrichment] school on Tuesdays. The training team at the school provides the perfect mix of play, stimulation, and instruction throughout the day. " ⁠

Anything else you would like to share? We just adopted a little kitten off the streets, and they’ve become fast friends. He chuffs when he wants attention, food, walks, and now his kitty.

October 2023 - Angus

Angus is a 5 year old male beagle. He has been coming to daycare since 2021 and on a few occasions we have pet taxied him there.

Words to live by: "Have a good time, all the time."

Favorite thing about our team? Everyone takes really good care of Angus and checks in on him even when he is absent.

Quirk? Angus is not afraid to let his presence be known with a very loud greeting - as everyone at Fur-Get Me Not knows!

Favorite daycare friend? Human- Ana / Dog friend- Bailey

If he could talk, what would he say? “Fur-Get Me Not is my favorite place to go - I miss everyone when I go on vacation.” ⁠

Why did you choose our service? "Your reputation." ⁠

Anything else you would like to share? Angus is very happy to be a part of the Fur-Get Me Not family and Eddie and I appreciate the care and attention he gets when we aren’t around.

September 2023 - Jupiter

Jupiter is a female Great Dane who turns 2 years old next month. She has been a client of FGMN since 2021. Jupiter has utilized our daycare, boarding and dog training services.

Words to live by: "It’s hard being big."

Favorite thing about the daycare team, training team, or dog walker? Jupiter loves all the attention she gets from her daycare family.

Quirk? Jupiter may be big, but she is terrified of her 20 lb cat brother who actively hunts her.

Favorite daycare friend? Odin. Anyone who will play tug.

If she could talk, what would she say? “Friends! I love my friends. Also I have no concept of personal space.” ⁠

Why did you choose our service? "The entire Fur-Get Me Not team came highly recommended by Lexi’s parents. " ⁠

Anything else you would like to share? When we told Jupiter’s big sister Ada (7) about this, Ada said, “All the dogs should be pet of the month.”

August 2023 - Remy

Remy is a 1 year old male beagle. Remy uses our dog walking, daycare, boarding, dog training, and Enrichment School services. Remy's parents have been clients of FGMN since 2013 with their other dogs.

Words to live by: To quote one of Remy's favorite Disney movies (Frozen): "The sky's awake, so I'm awake, so I have to PLAY!"

Favorite thing about the daycare team, training team, or dog walker? Enrichment School! Remy gets to solve puzzles, show off his agility and training skills, play with a small group of friends, and eat treats all day!

Quirk? Remy lifts his little legs and prances around the house...especially when he's proudly showing off the shoes he's just stolen!

Favorite daycare friend? Remy loves everyone at FGMN, but he's particularly bonded to his trainer Brianne.

If he could talk, what would he say? “Thank you for looking out for me and giving me lots of love, treats, and puzzles.” ⁠

Why did you choose our service? "We just rescued Remy in May 2023. When he came to us, he had never lived in a home and he was uncertain and overwhelmed in new environments. Based on our past experiences with FGMN, we trusted the trainers and daycare team to set Remy up for success and create positive experiences for him." ⁠

Anything else you would like to share? FGMN has been instrumental in the growth of several of our dogs in the past, and now Remy! Everyone has gone out of their way to make sure that Remy is confident, comfortable, and able to have the best time. With the help of his trainer Brianne and the daycare team, Remy has gone from a dog who was afraid to leave our living room carpet to confidently jumping on obstacles and solving puzzles at Enrichment School.

July 2023 - Annie

Annie is a 10 year old female shepherd mix. She has been a client of FGMN since 2014. Annie attends daycare, boarding and dog walking on a weekly basis.

Words to live by: "I'll eat that"

Favorite thing about the daycare team, training team, or dog walker? Annie loves Harry (regular dog walker)!

Quirk? She can tell by sound from the other side of the house when the drawer of the refrigerator where the cheese is kept is opened. As soon as she hears that drawer move, she runs to the kitchen.

Favorite daycare friend? everyone(? - depends on the day)

If she could talk, what would she say? “Yeah! I get to play with my friends!” ⁠

Why did you choose our service? "Fantastic people who love caring for our furry family member. Annie is always excited to go for daycare or boarding." ⁠

Anything else you would like to share? Thank you for making such a positive environment for Annie. We always know she'll be well taken care of.

May 2023 - Pumpkin

Pumpkin is a 5 year old, male shepherd mix. He has been a client of FGMN since May 2021 and is a NoseWork superstar that recently earned his Birch title! Pumpkin attends daycare and enrichment camps at daycare and has taken several of our dog training classes in basic manners, social manners, and NoseWork.

Words to live by: “Cuddles are everything"

Favorite thing about the daycare team, training team, or office? The happy people that greet Pumpkin every morning, he feels like a little celebrity entering the office.

Quirk? When he gets extra excited, Pumpkin can clear some pretty high jumps. But day to day, he refuses to jump into the car and has to be lifted in. And on the bed at home. And tall couches. He can be quite a little diva.

Favorite friends? Lena (dog), Jamie Nucho, Jessica, Brianne, Karen Scott

If he could talk, what would he say? “All the best things happen at those two buildings - pets, friends, hot dogs, nosework, learning and exploring. It's the absolute best!” ⁠

Why did you choose our service? "We fostered with Homeward Trails and FGMN was on a suggested vendor list. FGMN has some of the most comprehensive fear free training and pet care offerings. We love that FGMN is able to accommodate Pumpkin's dog selectivity at daycare." ⁠

Anything else you would like to share? Nosework with Karen Scott and Jamie Nucho has been life changing for us. It's helped tremendously with Pumpkin's dog reactivity, helped with our communication as a team, and he's rarely happier than when he's sniffing for odor. I've had to physically carry him out of the search area repeatedly because he absolutely refuses to leave when we're done. Karen and Jamie have been amazing - patient, encouraging, detail oriented, and just overall so supportive of Pumpkin and his quirks.

April 2023 - Fiona

Fiona is a 1 year old, female GSD. She has been a client of FGMN since Fall 2022 and in just 6 short months has taken multiple dog training classes including Nosework I and II, Social Manners I and II, Impulse Control II and most recently Brain Games.

Words to live by: “Ball is life."

Favorite thing about the trainers? Fiona’s favorite thing about her dog trainers is the hot dogs in their pockets.

Quirk? She howls at every siren she hears!

If she could talk, what would she say? “If Fiona could talk, she would say that everyone she’s met at FGMN is very nice, and getting attention from them makes her day.” ⁠

Why did you choose our service? "We use FGMN because their trainers are excellent and work hard to accommodate the needs of every dog in the class." ⁠

Anything else you would like to share? We are so happy we found FGMN! We love taking classes there and can’t wait for our next one.

March 2023 - Zuni

Zuni is a 6 year old, female Husky. Zuni was a rescue and first came to FGMN for dog training services to help adapt to her new home. Since then she has been using our dog walking, daycare, boarding, and enrichment camps while at daycare. She loves attention, belly rubs, and of course peanut butter.

Words to live by: “If you give me treats, I will listen. Or at least consider it."

Favorite friend at daycare? Does Rob (daycare manager) and Mary (office manager) count?

Quirk? This girl has so many quirks, but our favorites are that despite her 70-pound frame she will always look for a way into your lap, and she does a husky howl when she wants food or attention. She is also incredibly stubborn, which only adds to her unique charm :)

If she could talk, what would she say? “The DCA's are my second family - I love all the attention they give me! I also love the games I get to play and treats at enrichment camp. And the peanut butter.” ⁠

Why did you choose our service? "As first time dog owners who also work full time, we knew we would need training support and dog-walking or daycare services. Fur-Get Me Not was recommended to us by the rescue organization who helped us adopt Zuni." ⁠

Anything else you would like to share? We are blown away by the ongoing support, service, and love that Fur-Get Me Not has given Zuni and us over the years. Zuni came to us as a rescue, and FGMN's trainings were so helpful in the beginning to help us adapt as a new family. We also love the updates and notes we get from all the team when she is at daycare or boarding. The FGMN staff go above and beyond to show love and care for Zuni and all the dogs in their care - Office Manager Mary has even crawled into the back of our car to help convince Zuni to hop in during one of her especially stubborn moments. :)

February 2023 - Badge

Badge is a 9 year old, male GSD. Badge has been using our dog walking and pet sitting services since June 2017. He really loves the outdoors, tight spaces, and is proof big dogs are sweeties too!

Words to live by: “Life's better with treats!"

Favorite thing about his dog walker? They walk him, feed him Greenies, rub his tummy, and play outside with him.

Something Funny or Quirk? Badge is a large dog who tries to be small, wedging himself into areas where he does not quite fit. Positions himself against doors so no one can come in (or go out) without him knowing. Very quiet while inside, but amazingly vocal when it is time to go outside.

If he could talk, what would he say? "Fur-Get Me Not is great - friendly humans come to my door and walk me, play with me, and feed me! Fantastic concept!” ⁠

Why did you choose our service? "Badge is a rescue, and it's been good for him to be able to stay in the house when I travel, as well as remain socialized with a variety of walkers. Fur-Get Me Not is reliable and I can trust them to ensure Badge is well-cared for while I'm gone." ⁠

January 2023 - Ellie

Ellie is an 11 year old, female Boston Terrier. Ellie uses our daycare & boarding service and she attended puppy playtime until she was about six months old, and went through some initial training classes as well. Ellie's mom started a Boston meet up group when Ellie was a young pup, and many Boston meet-ups were held at FGMN. We are very grateful to FGMN for many years of loving on sweet Ellie.

Words to live by: “Ball is Life" - Ellie's joy is playing games of fetch over and over and over again!

Best friend at daycare? Ellie's favorite friends at daycare are all her daycare attendant friends that give her love every day she is there!

Quirk? Ellie has many quirks, but my favorite, and the one she entertains people with the most is the handstand that she does when she pees. It is very graceful, and she resembles an olympic champion as she carefully sets up on her two front legs!

If she could talk, what would she say? “I know that I have a grumpy resting face, but I am really a sweet, loving girl that just wants attention. If you want to see my smile, just throw the ball for me. I reserve it for that!” ⁠

Favorite thing about our team? The daycare team at FGMN is the absolute best! They are responsive, caring and create a safe, loving space for all ages, levels and temperaments of dogs. As Ellie has aged, her interest in racing around with her friends has changed, but I have always felt she was in the best hands at FGMN!

Why did you choose FGMN over all the rest? "Initially for puppy play time, and 11 years later, the rest is history!" ⁠