
Enrichment School

Dog daycare in general can be a great benefit to many dogs with high energy or who enjoy the company of other dogs and people. Daycare primarily focuses on group play and routine schedules. However, Enrichment School takes daycare to a whole new level.



Daily Schedule

* We advise dogs not be fed breakfast to balance out the amount of food they receive during the day. Dogs will be provided with house treats throughout the day, during activities, as well as a kong or lickey mat for a snack during rest time.

Time Activity
7:30 amDrop-off window opens, check-in at daycare building. Early drop-off options are available by request.
8:00 amGreetings, interactive toys & movement games
9:00 amFun agility activities
10:15 amRelaxation time (dim lights, chew toys, stuffed kongs)
11:00 amNature walks, training sessions, instinctive activities (digging, shredding, foraging, etc)
1:00 pmEngaging play with balls, tugs, and leadership activities
2:15 pmBrain games
3:30 pmPick-up window opens. Please pick-up at the training building.
4:30 pmFacility closed to ready for training classes. Late pick-up options are available upon request.


Enrichment School costs $90/day. We do offer a discount when purchasing a package. The packages will not carry over to the following month and must be used in the same calendar month. The packages are meant to provide frequent users a steep discount who wish to attend 1-2 times per week.

If you were to add up all the individual services that are provided during Enrichment School, this service is valued at over $145.

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